Chocolate Brownies..There are many myths exist about this delicacy.
One of the myth said that someone who are in love and make brownies..then the brownies will taste just perfect!!...what should I say, I am in love..and my 1st home made brownies is just perfect ;) hihi lebay
Somone said that in the past time, the chef who created brownies recipe for first time was a man who was madly in love..and try to express his feeling to his lover through brownies of it is true..since the way to make it is pretty probably it was a man who invent the recipe.. what an inspiring myth ..hihi lebay lagi
anyway..I just wish that I can share my first bite of this brownies with all of you outhere..especially someone who is still not believing me, that I really had made brownies ;) even till now..
Have a sweet day ;)
February 26, 2010
February 18, 2010
Dulu klo di jakarta, selalu apa-apa ke Om Yardin..dan dia bakal datang kucluk-kucluk ke ruangan gw, "Ada apa Ka?..kenapa Ka", Kok jd ngomongin Om Yardin sih..niatnya mau ngomongin servicedesk.nah jadi berhubung disini gak ada orang kyak Om Yardin..jadi segala sesuatu pasti ke servicedesk.
Gw gak ada issue ama servicedesk, menurut gw kerjaan mereka bagai malaikat (Om Yardin mungkin lebih tinggi dikit, kayak ketua umum cabang komputernya Malaikat lah..hehe..balik lg ke Om Yardin), sekalinya ngebantu, hidup berasa lancar..
Dari sekian banyak sesi servicedesk-ing gw..ada satu yang mengesankan..ceritanya gini..(biar dramatis)..
Tiba-tiba HP gw bunyi..nomernya +971...(ini dubai servicedesk pasti)..
"Hallo, good afternoon", kata gw, maklum dah jam 5 sore..
"Hallo, this is dubaiservicedesk..would like to follow up about your ticket...", kata dia
"OK, i have my timbuktu ip is....",
"I am connecting to you every moment", kata dia...(telinga gw gw salah denger kali..maklum udah sore..semua indera mulai teler)
"ok", kata gw..
"Ok, I am inside your computer now", kata dia..(mmm..nampaknya ada yg salah ama imajinasi gw, nyengir)
" the problem is with my email..I can't send email to my boss..something wrong with the account set up, would you please check it?", kata gw
"Mm..only to your boss? are you sure about it?", kata cuma nyengir orang sore-sore punya daya humor juga
"Well, unfortunately not only to my boss, all the emails stuck in outbox", kata gw.
" that mean your boss is still in the system", kata dia
lanjut-lanjut selesai aja itu email gw balik lg ke normal..
"Ok regarding the second issue, so you can not login to SIS download center, I believe this is because your internet explorer is not updated, have you tried to update it from Radia?", kata dia
"Yes, but as I mentioned in the ticket, it did not work, I wasnt able to update it", kata gw
"OK, That is common, very simple workaround, we can install it directly from Microsoft", kata dia
"OK, sounds good", kata gw
"What you need to do is, uninstall the internet explorer, and reboot your laptop", kata dia.
"OK", kata gw...dan gw nurut uninstall terus reboot..
"Now what you have to do is, download the updated version directly from Microsoft, I will give you the link", kata dia.
"But how?", kata gw
"Why? dont have web explorer anymore", kata dia sambil terus silent...krik..krik..krik...
Hehe...I love servicedesk when they do that kind of stuff...
Gw gak ada issue ama servicedesk, menurut gw kerjaan mereka bagai malaikat (Om Yardin mungkin lebih tinggi dikit, kayak ketua umum cabang komputernya Malaikat lah..hehe..balik lg ke Om Yardin), sekalinya ngebantu, hidup berasa lancar..
Dari sekian banyak sesi servicedesk-ing gw..ada satu yang mengesankan..ceritanya gini..(biar dramatis)..
Tiba-tiba HP gw bunyi..nomernya +971...(ini dubai servicedesk pasti)..
"Hallo, good afternoon", kata gw, maklum dah jam 5 sore..
"Hallo, this is dubaiservicedesk..would like to follow up about your ticket...", kata dia
"OK, i have my timbuktu ip is....",
"I am connecting to you every moment", kata dia...(telinga gw gw salah denger kali..maklum udah sore..semua indera mulai teler)
"ok", kata gw..
"Ok, I am inside your computer now", kata dia..(mmm..nampaknya ada yg salah ama imajinasi gw, nyengir)
" the problem is with my email..I can't send email to my boss..something wrong with the account set up, would you please check it?", kata gw
"Mm..only to your boss? are you sure about it?", kata cuma nyengir orang sore-sore punya daya humor juga
"Well, unfortunately not only to my boss, all the emails stuck in outbox", kata gw.
" that mean your boss is still in the system", kata dia
lanjut-lanjut selesai aja itu email gw balik lg ke normal..
"Ok regarding the second issue, so you can not login to SIS download center, I believe this is because your internet explorer is not updated, have you tried to update it from Radia?", kata dia
"Yes, but as I mentioned in the ticket, it did not work, I wasnt able to update it", kata gw
"OK, That is common, very simple workaround, we can install it directly from Microsoft", kata dia
"OK, sounds good", kata gw
"What you need to do is, uninstall the internet explorer, and reboot your laptop", kata dia.
"OK", kata gw...dan gw nurut uninstall terus reboot..
"Now what you have to do is, download the updated version directly from Microsoft, I will give you the link", kata dia.
"But how?", kata gw
"Why? dont have web explorer anymore", kata dia sambil terus silent...krik..krik..krik...
Hehe...I love servicedesk when they do that kind of stuff...
February 12, 2010
Hunting Symmetries
February 8, 2010
Tekka Kebab, Jarjeer, Humus - Mengenal Makanan Doha
Awalnya diajak temen gw, Zeyad, dulu banget pas gw awal-awal datang ke Doha, lama-lama ampir tiap kali gw ke Souq Waqif, gw selalu mampir ke ini restoran. Namanya? Gw gak tau, karena gw gak liat ada papan nama. Tapi yang jelas kebab daging sapi nya enak. Entah diapain, dagingnya bisa empuk. Kebab ayamnya, sama hati sapi bahkan jeroan ayam juga ada, dan enak juga. Dan pastinya yang punya juga ramah..hehe..ya iyalah..siapa sih yg gak ramah ama orang indonesia :)
Berhubung ini di tengah-tengah pasar, pas gw iseng nyari ke-dua kali nya, agak susah..tapi skarang gw udah nemu patokannya, yaitu mesjid. Meski emang mesjidnya jg gak keliatan karena persis di tengah-tengah pasar, dinding-dinding mesjidnya samping-sampingan ama pasar. Tapi setidaknya, kalo nyasar mau nyari restoran ini lagi, gw tinggal nanya aja ama orang, mesjid di mana? Hehe..pasti di anterin nyusurin lorong yang liku-liku sela-sela bangunan kotak-kotak khas arab. Ketemu deh tuh mesjid, sekalian ketemu tuh restorannya. Hadooh dosa ya, nanya orang terus jauh2 dianterin ke mesjid, padahal sebenernya tujuan utamanya ke restorannya :)
Menu favorit gw Tekka Kebab (sate daging sapi asap yang empuk), rotie (ya roti khas arab apa india ya .. yg kering dibakar), hamuss (semacam mayonese low fat khas arab), sama Jarjeer (green salad khas sini yang entah apa namanya gw ga nemu di indonesia).
Konon si Jarjeer ini punya khasiat kalo di indonesia mirip sama ginseng yang bikin jreng..alias bikin kuda liar..hehe..sampai kata temen gw, "if woman now how important jarjeer is, they will grow it under their bed",,,hehe..berhubung gw masih single gw smpet mikir buat batasin tuh makan jarjeer...tapi karena emang agak susah nyari lalaban di sini...dan emang enak...jadi gw maen hantem-hantem aja makan tuh jarjeer...hehe...besok nya bisa kerasa khasiatnya hehehe... ....(ups sensor)
Pas gw ajak si istrinya-temen-gw-yang-lagi-STA-di Doha..ternyata dia doyan juga tuh sama jarjeer...("emang enak sih kayak lalaban", ujar dia sungut-sungut..entah mengulang kata-kata gw atau dia emang gaya dia begitu..latah)...meski gw udah bilangin bisa ngasih epek kuda liar...tapi dia cuek aja..bahkan gw inget ampe nambah satu porsi jarjeer tambahan....hehehe...besoknya langsung curhat memelas pengen pulang inget suami...(gw sih iya2in aja..sok2an jadi temen yang baik...tapi gw yakin sebenernya itu epek jarjeer hehehe)....
si babeh pasang tampang..siap di foto..:) Beh..saya moto stiker!! Ya udah sini-sini saya foto ..
Berhubung ini di tengah-tengah pasar, pas gw iseng nyari ke-dua kali nya, agak susah..tapi skarang gw udah nemu patokannya, yaitu mesjid. Meski emang mesjidnya jg gak keliatan karena persis di tengah-tengah pasar, dinding-dinding mesjidnya samping-sampingan ama pasar. Tapi setidaknya, kalo nyasar mau nyari restoran ini lagi, gw tinggal nanya aja ama orang, mesjid di mana? Hehe..pasti di anterin nyusurin lorong yang liku-liku sela-sela bangunan kotak-kotak khas arab. Ketemu deh tuh mesjid, sekalian ketemu tuh restorannya. Hadooh dosa ya, nanya orang terus jauh2 dianterin ke mesjid, padahal sebenernya tujuan utamanya ke restorannya :)
Menu favorit gw Tekka Kebab (sate daging sapi asap yang empuk), rotie (ya roti khas arab apa india ya .. yg kering dibakar), hamuss (semacam mayonese low fat khas arab), sama Jarjeer (green salad khas sini yang entah apa namanya gw ga nemu di indonesia).
Konon si Jarjeer ini punya khasiat kalo di indonesia mirip sama ginseng yang bikin jreng..alias bikin kuda liar..hehe..sampai kata temen gw, "if woman now how important jarjeer is, they will grow it under their bed",,,hehe..berhubung gw masih single gw smpet mikir buat batasin tuh makan jarjeer...tapi karena emang agak susah nyari lalaban di sini...dan emang enak...jadi gw maen hantem-hantem aja makan tuh jarjeer...hehe...besok nya bisa kerasa khasiatnya hehehe... ....(ups sensor)
Pas gw ajak si istrinya-temen-gw-yang-lagi-STA-di Doha..ternyata dia doyan juga tuh sama jarjeer...("emang enak sih kayak lalaban", ujar dia sungut-sungut..entah mengulang kata-kata gw atau dia emang gaya dia begitu..latah)...meski gw udah bilangin bisa ngasih epek kuda liar...tapi dia cuek aja..bahkan gw inget ampe nambah satu porsi jarjeer tambahan....hehehe...besoknya langsung curhat memelas pengen pulang inget suami...(gw sih iya2in aja..sok2an jadi temen yang baik...tapi gw yakin sebenernya itu epek jarjeer hehehe)....
si babeh pasang tampang..siap di foto..:) Beh..saya moto stiker!! Ya udah sini-sini saya foto ..
February 5, 2010
Jakarta oh Jakarta
She said these pictures are her best shots. Although I am not quite agree that they can be classified as some best shots among amateur league photography :)
(If I were there, I am sure I would have made much better shots :) offense (just kidding..jelas2 gw gak bisa moto (bisanya di foto)..feel free kalo ada yang mau ngajarin..).
Thanks for sharing those pics..of course, with a little bit of incentive :) I like the pictures..reminding me a lot of tanah air..
I love the pictures, since they were taken in Jakarta. The city which I miss a lot now. People said, You wont realize how you like it until you lost it..(well it is not that I lost jakarta ..hehe..I just left it for awhile..I'll be back every now and then), and on top of that a friend had sent me Adithia Sofyan's song called "forget jakarta"
jadilah gw mewek-mewek bbrapa hari yang lalu....hehehe...
(If I were there, I am sure I would have made much better shots :) offense (just kidding..jelas2 gw gak bisa moto (bisanya di foto)..feel free kalo ada yang mau ngajarin..).
Thanks for sharing those pics..of course, with a little bit of incentive :) I like the pictures..reminding me a lot of tanah air..
I love the pictures, since they were taken in Jakarta. The city which I miss a lot now. People said, You wont realize how you like it until you lost it..(well it is not that I lost jakarta ..hehe..I just left it for awhile..I'll be back every now and then), and on top of that a friend had sent me Adithia Sofyan's song called "forget jakarta"
jadilah gw mewek-mewek bbrapa hari yang lalu....hehehe...
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