(If I were there, I am sure I would have made much better shots :) hehe..no offense (just kidding..jelas2 gw gak bisa moto (bisanya di foto)..feel free kalo ada yang mau ngajarin..).
Thanks for sharing those pics..of course, with a little bit of incentive :) I like the pictures..reminding me a lot of tanah air..
I love the pictures, since they were taken in Jakarta. The city which I miss a lot now. People said, You wont realize how you like it until you lost it..(well it is not that I lost jakarta ..hehe..I just left it for awhile..I'll be back every now and then), and on top of that a friend had sent me Adithia Sofyan's song called "forget jakarta"
jadilah gw mewek-mewek bbrapa hari yang lalu....hehehe...
keren bgt fotonya lin....
..Ah..ketularan narsis jg..
hmmm hmmm..no comment deh about fotonya...
tp about meweknya..hmm...hmm..
no comment jg deh..abis gimanaaa gt yah :D
@ Agni,,hadooh..jgn seratus persen percaya bahasa gw ya :)
ya..ya..ya...ya...tunggu ampe gw kirimin lagu yang gak hanya buat mewek tapi nangis kejerr..
foto ibu ama bapaknya mantaab..
laik dis!!
@ LIA..apaan nangis kejerr..lebay jiga alay maneh..
@ Linda..iya gitu? baiklah..ntar saya sampaikan klo ada juga yg suka foto-nya :)
kenapa kaca mata lo ada ijo ijonya begitu tangkainya...
@ Megskiw..itu kaca mata gw satu lagi..ala 80-an..tp modelnya mirip sama yg si oakley yg biasa dipake..
Gara2 si bocah bertopi kumpeni dengan low rider nya itu, gw berhasil menyabet hadiah payung cantik..haha.
Lo si gak ikutan lin..
nice pics anyway...
Hohoho...pamer siah :)
Ga bisa gw moto..jagonya di foto :)
payung jg lumayan BOKBES..jakarta kan sering ujan..hehe..
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