I have new friends but I feel like I also lost some of my old friends. I know, I can't be in two different places and catching up with everyone at the same time. But they used to be around a lot, and i kinda miss it...and now it seems that everybody busy catching up with lot of thing (yea..i know, i've been going for too long).
The good thing, some of my friends are still there. At least, some of them. They don't really treat me as a stranger like many others did. It makes me feel a bit fit here.
Mungkin karena hobi kita masih nyambung; makan-nongkrong-dan mengumpat-ngumpat soal kerjaan. Ya..ya ..ya..ujung2nya emang ngumpat2 soal kerjaan .. how sucks and unfair life is. which i believe many people do have this kind of thing anyway. Please don't think we do not grateful for whatever we have right now, we just like to talk about those shitty part of our day, just talk..nothin more than that..
At the end of the day, cheese cake with coffee or chocolate in rainy afternoon was a perfect combination.
Maybe this is just a way of life should be. People come and go writing each other story. I just don't ready yet to be part of their history, but now I need to get used to it. Catching up with friends. Before those friends turn to be a total stranger..or I become a total stranger for them..whichever?! don't like that.
yeah maybe that's the way life should be...
ps. bagi2 dunk cheesecakenya, terutama yg bluberi, w/ hot chocolate tentu saha... yummy bgt kynya tuh... *terbawa mimpi*
Hehe..ini di Cheese Cake Factory yaaa.. Enak tuh cheese cake nya..Nyam..
Iya Lin..bener banget. Memang konsekuensi kerja di luar Jakarta bikin kita jadi sulit untuk keep in touch dengan yg lain.. I feel it too. :(
But I learn that the few friends I have left are the ones I could rely on being there for me in the future no matter what. So it's kind of a blessing in disguise.
Cheer up! :)
@Agni..emang mantap cheese cake (meski gw kmaren icip2 chocolate melt fudge apa gitu yg dmakannya am es krim uiihh..)
@Yoan..cheer up :) konsekuensi..iya sih..ternyata bukan gw doang yang ngerasain hehe..
like i've said...people come and go...but well if i have to go i'll try to left the words...
yah...setidaknya jadi ngerasain waktu bareng yang dulu tuh ternyata berharga banget yak....huhehehee...
mudah2an aja lunch and ngupi plus nyumpah2 time yang garing kmrn jadi obat...tapi ye bo dengan IPK yang tinggi seharusnya gak jadi masalah kaleeee....dasar NERD!!!
@LIA..apa lo bawa2 IPK tinggi..(kok gw tersinggung...sok iya klo IPK gw tinggi aja)...Awas lo...jadiin ya ke pulau Sampek di malang itu ntar Juli..xixi..kalo kemping2 gw mikut..
Pulau SEMPU tauuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu... nemu dimana nama SAMPEK??? Sampek Engtay??? Lagi keputihan lo???? darah birunya dikasi beyklin ya bo???
Pulau Sampek di Malang...????? *bengong gak karuan*
Kayanya emang pulau Sempu deeehh... hadeh.. *nemplokin tangan ke jidat*
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